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Get to know the historical and monumental City of Viana

The city of Viana, 81 Kilometers from Pamplona and 9 kilometers from Logroño, is located in the southwest of Navarra, between the Sierra de Codés and the Vega del Ebro. Its foundation dates from 1219, when the Navarrese king Sancho VII “El Fuerte” rebuilt the city, also granting it the Privilege of Aguila.

Archaeological surveys are bringing out fifty prehistoric and historical sites that affirm this area as one of the richest in our territory.

The attractions of Viana are many, it is a city full of art and history, it has an authentic museum of civil and religious architecture whose interior is accessed through five old gates in the walls which were closed at night until the end of the 19th century. We must walk its streets without haste, letting ourselves be surprised by its imposing manor houses without losing detail of its emblazoned facades that tell us about its flourishing past.

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The Ruins of Saint Peter

We could start the tour of the city of Viana by visiting the ruins of San Pedro (it is adjacent to our hotel Palacio de Pujadas). From them you will have an exceptional view of the surroundings. The Sierra de Cantabria, the Vega del Ebro, Logroño, the Sierra de la Demanda with San Lorenzo (2040 m). Undoubtedly one of the best views of the city in which to enjoy one of the most wonderful and spectacular landscapes in Navarra.

Historical Center of Viana

Next to the Church of Santa María is Plaza de los Fueros. It is the center of city life. Its town hall palace, an imposing stone work, and its fountain, appreciated by locals and visitors, make it a unique corner, where pilgrims of the Camino de Santiago take a short break from their hard walk.

The Balcón de Toros of the City Hall dominate the Plaza del Coso. In this enclosure was the castle-fortress that protected the Kingdom from the Castilian attacks. Unfortunately, only a stone canvas remains, a silent vestige of glorious times. Outside the walls is the convent and the church of San Francisco, at whose main door stands the haughty figure of César Borgia.

The Hypogeum of Longar

Hypogeum of Longar is another of the essential points of interest in the municipality of Navarra. A 4000-year-old underground funerary monument has recently been discovered and recovered. One of the most original and important discoveries in Navarra that you cannot miss on your visit to the city.

The Natural Reserve of Laguna de las Cañas

One of the points of interest par excellence in the municipality of Navarra is the nature reserve of Laguna de las Cañas. Wetland of great ecological value due to the variety of birds that live and nest there. This reserve has a Nature Interpretation Center open to the public, from which you can observe the life of the lagoon and learn about the species of this environment.

El Camino de Santiago or Camino Francés

Viana is the end of the stage of the Camino in Navarra. The so-called "French Way" passes through it, thanks to which it has been enriched culturally, economically and spiritually. Several traces of this relationship with the Camino remain: The Pilgrims Hospital, with its Gothic hall (current House of Culture), the ruins of the monastery of La Orden, the hermitage of Cuevas (near La Laguna de las Cañas) or the ruins from the convent of Saint Joan del Ramo (on the Aras road) where Prince Charles, heir to the King's crown, spent long periods of rest. Today, Viana is an ideal place to finish some of the stages of this Camino and enjoy both the atmosphere of its streets and its people, open and friendly with pilgrims.

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